Last week’s workouts and this week’s goals

Hello hello, hope your weekend was full of fun. Mine was, well, productive :). I am moving this week, so most of my weekend was spent packing, organizing and moving some small things before the movers come for the furniture. That said, I still got in a little fun and some exercise.


Friday night – Room 11

Last week’s workouts:

  • Monday: Rest/stretch
  • Tuesday: 6.5 mile run!
  • Wednesday: Metabolic Effect class at Sport&Health. This class kicks my butt and is so fun!
  • Thursday: Rest/Stretch
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday: Packing/Moving – this counts right? moving is tough!
  • Sunday: Moving/4.5 mile run/a long walk <– more on that adventure next post
DC Capitol

Returning a U-haul (with a great view)


I was hoping to get in more workouts last week but moving plus still getting back up to speed since getting my cartilage (labrum) fixed in April means I have to be patient and thankful for the exercise I do get in. So, keeping that in mind and knowing that this move is still in full swing this week, I’m focusing on a couple of goals for the coming days:

This week’s healthy goals:

  • Hit my daily Nike+ FuelBand goal – 11,000 steps or 3,000 fuel
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night

Both of these are seemingly small goals, but both are attainable and make it easier for me to achieve bigger goals, such as going out for longer runs and balancing daily stress so I don’t stuff my face with chocolate eat too unhealthily ;). Funny enough, I think the sleep goal is going to be harder. I love sleep, and maybe it’s commuting to work plus the longer summer days, but often I find myself staying up way too late at night doing little things around the house, catching up on a show – True Blood is awesome, etc. Focusing on shutting down completely earlier is definitely going to be a challenge!

What are your goals for the week? Play along in the comments if you’d like :).




Tuesday’s workout

Is anyone else enjoying the fantastic and unseasonably mild Mid-Atlantic weather? I can’t believe it’s nearly July and I haven’t felt like melting into the Potomac! Given this good luck, I decided to forgo yoga on Monday and take it outside for an evening run.

Mt. Vernon trail run

Purple shoe!

Mt. Vernon trail sunset


It was so nice outside that I ended up doing a loop around Roosevelt Island and a few miles out and back on the Mount Vernon trail. All in all, I ended up doing 6.5 miles, and obviously enjoyed stopping to take some pictures along the way ;). It felt so good to be back running post hip cartilage surgery (more on that later), but I also realized how silly I’d been to not bring fuel and hydration along with me. Running in June, mild weather or not, is no joke! Hope you’re enjoying your day and had a chance to catch the World Cup games. GO USA!!!

First post! Or, this is my motivation

I’ve been thinking about starting this blog for so long, but have always wondered what I would say. Could I make something as special as the many healthy living blogs I read daily? Then it occurred to me: those blogs have made such a difference in my life, maybe I can do the same for someone else. Or at least I can keep myself accountable and document my ongoing journey living a healthy,  balanced life. Yes, that word is bold on purpose. I am a marathoner, tech nerd, lover of health/fitness, and a ball of energy. I strive to find balance in life, whether it’s in running, work, or healthy eating – except chocolate, obviously ;).

On the blog I will post my workouts and some meals/snacks, as well as some other fun along the way. Thanks for visiting and I’m excited to kick off my little corner of the interwebs!

