Last Week’s Goals and Some Other Thoughts

Wow, that is a random post title, but I suppose it’s fitting for an all-encompassing post! Hope your 4th of July weekend was great! I’ll have to post about mine later, but it was a good combo of moving, seeing friends, and enjoying the city. Spending a week moving apartments certainly makes it tough to blog and get in exercise (not to mention sleep!) Happily, this blog is already motivating me and keeping me accountable :). Read on to see how.


Last Week’s Goals

As a refresher, I set 2 goals for last week:

  • Hit my daily Nike+ FuelBand goal – 11,000 steps or 3,000 fuel
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night

Result? I hit them both every day! Here are more details:

Daily Nike Fuel totals

Daily Nike Fuel totals

Even though I was exhausted and super busy moving, this goal motivated me to take a little time out for myself and go for a walk, run, or even pace while binge-watching True Blood (don’t judge ;).) I’m grateful for the positive change physically and mentally during a bit of a crazy time.

As far as sleep goes, well I hit 7+ hours every night also, albeit a couple times it was more like 10 hours ha! Moving is rough I tell you.  A 3-day weekend = sleeping in.


Some Thoughts/Goals For the Coming Week

I love how setting (and keeping) last week’s goals impacted my life, so I’d like to keep it going and build upon the work I’ve done. A couple of things I’d like to get going come to mind:

  • Nutrition: My brother’s fiancee works with the woman who created #thatcleandiet, and I’m itching to try the 6 day program, once I can locate my cookware in the box pile, that is :P.
  • Running: I’m thinking about getting back into a marathon training program. I have no plans to sign up for a race at this point, I just miss it immensely and want to give my body the time it needs to build up in the most healthy way possible (slowly.) When I trained for my first marathon, I truly took care of myself and focused on balance; I think it would be good to get back into that mentality, and all of the fun runs with marathoning friends!
  • Physical Therapy: I know I need to do my exercises, I do, but they’re no fun! Making it a goal to do them every day until they become second nature is essential, so I’m hoping setting this goal will motivate me :).

Excited to get back to this 🙂 🙂 🙂 :

Mile 20 and going strong!

Mile 20 and going strong!

More on these goals to come. I am on the final day of #100happydays, so I’ll be doing a post on that journey as well. Have a great rest of your Tuesday!

Tuesday’s workout

Is anyone else enjoying the fantastic and unseasonably mild Mid-Atlantic weather? I can’t believe it’s nearly July and I haven’t felt like melting into the Potomac! Given this good luck, I decided to forgo yoga on Monday and take it outside for an evening run.

Mt. Vernon trail run

Purple shoe!

Mt. Vernon trail sunset


It was so nice outside that I ended up doing a loop around Roosevelt Island and a few miles out and back on the Mount Vernon trail. All in all, I ended up doing 6.5 miles, and obviously enjoyed stopping to take some pictures along the way ;). It felt so good to be back running post hip cartilage surgery (more on that later), but I also realized how silly I’d been to not bring fuel and hydration along with me. Running in June, mild weather or not, is no joke! Hope you’re enjoying your day and had a chance to catch the World Cup games. GO USA!!!

First post! Or, this is my motivation

I’ve been thinking about starting this blog for so long, but have always wondered what I would say. Could I make something as special as the many healthy living blogs I read daily? Then it occurred to me: those blogs have made such a difference in my life, maybe I can do the same for someone else. Or at least I can keep myself accountable and document my ongoing journey living a healthy,  balanced life. Yes, that word is bold on purpose. I am a marathoner, tech nerd, lover of health/fitness, and a ball of energy. I strive to find balance in life, whether it’s in running, work, or healthy eating – except chocolate, obviously ;).

On the blog I will post my workouts and some meals/snacks, as well as some other fun along the way. Thanks for visiting and I’m excited to kick off my little corner of the interwebs!

